03 maja 2022

NEW COPOCS Research Brief: Involvement of Poles in active assistance to refugees from Ukraine By Paweł Downarowicz and Anna Wydra

Can the involvement of Polish society in helping refugees from Ukraine indicate the possibility of introducing programmes based on community sponsorship in Poland? Paweł Downarowicz and Anna Wydra are trying to answer this question in this Research Brief.


Abstract of the article:
The refugee crisis triggered by the Russian aggression on Ukraine sparked an unprecedented response from Polish society. In addition to activities coordinated by the state, many private actors and civic society organisations have engaged in a wide range of grassroots and spontaneous forms of assistance. Referring to the concept of community sponsorship (CS), Paweł Downarowicz and Anna Wydra analyze data from a survey conducted on a representative sample of 1,000 Poles. In the report, the authors look at the diversity and scale of actions taken, Poles’ attitudes towards the cooperation of citizens and the state under the CS programme, and the potential of Poles' involvement in active help in the future.


How to cite this article: 
Downarowicz P., Wydra A. (2022). Zaangażowanie Polaków w aktywną pomoc uchodźcom z Ukrainy. COPOCS Research Brief 1. Warsaw: University of Warsaw, Faculty of Sociology.


Read the whole article HERE (PDF file)

18 Karowa St.,

Project funded by the National Science Centre in Poland
(Grant No UMA-2021/41/B/HS5/04071)

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